Tristan Bosch
(530) 895-2359
The mission of the 皇冠新现金网基金会 is to help ensure the academic development and excellence of students through financial and other forms of support; to establish scholarship programs and services that benefit our students; to constantly evaluate our funding priorities to identify areas critical to our success; and to create fundraising initiatives that will support the programs and services of Butte College.
成立于1992年, 皇冠新现金网基金会是一个501 (c)(3)非营利组织,依靠社区捐款来帮助我们的学生取得成功,因为它直接有利于巴特县和格伦县的经济健康. 皇冠新现金网基金会职员可以为计划捐献的潜在捐赠者提供协助, 慈善年金, 和/或奖学金,以纪念所爱的人.
这个特别的活动是由皇冠新现金网基金会主办的,有利于学生项目, services, 和奖学金. 优雅的夜晚包括晚餐,无声拍卖,甜点拍卖,和现场拍卖. 如果您想成为2025年春晚的赞助商或贡献者,请与我们联系!